Sunday, September 5, 2010

Best Way to Lose Belly Fat

I found this interesting article about best way to lose belly fat and decided to republish it on my website. I really like the way the author presented his views on losing belly fat. That’s the kind of passion I like to see in an article.

A lot of people are always looking for the best way to lose belly fat. Most people end up trying the fad diets, weight watchers, and the miracle gimmicks that you see on infomercials.

The best way to lose belly fat is simple. It is a synergistic combination of good food choices, resistance training, and a certain type of cardio called interval training.

I want you to learn the best way to lose belly fat. It is important you know that you need to do each of the things I mentioned above in a very specific way for belly fat loss to be the result.

Lets take a look at what those specifics are.

1. Make good food choices.

The two main things to remember here are to create a caloric deficit and avoid low glycemic "bad carbs".
If you take in less calories that you are burning off, then your body will start to use stored fat as a source of energy. There are 3,500 calories in 1 lb. If you cut back by 500 per day, then over the course of a week that comes to 1lb of fat lost. Don't try to get extreme here. I know you want to lose belly fat, but if you try to eat 1 small meal per day you simply won't be able to stick with it.

In order to avoid bad carbs, you need to cut out the fast food, soda, white bread, and other junk food. These will raise you blood sugar. The higher your blood sugar, the more insulin is released to store it as fat.

2. Resistance training is great for fat loss.

Everyone seems to think resistance training will make them get "big and bulky." This is simply not true. If you want to best way to lose belly fat, resistance training has to play a big role. You will not get big muscles unless you train and eat like a bodybuilder.

Resistance training will help to add muscle mass. This increases your metabolism and helps you to burn more calories and rest and while being active. Raising your metabolism through strength training is one of the best ways to lose belly fat with exercise.

3. Try interval training.

This is a different approach to losing belly fat than the traditional long cardio routines that most people do at the same speed. Interval training is great because it is faster and more effective.

It consists of alternating between high and low intensities. For example, you would warm up for 5 minutes on a bike. Then, you would pedal hard for 30-60 seconds. After that intense period, you would pedal slow for about 2 mins. Then, you would repeat that hard/slow interval 3-6 times.

This will help you to increase your metabolism and is the best way to lose belly fat with exercise!

So if you are looking for the best way to lose belly fat, don't buy into the hyped up diets and gimmicks. Also, don't try to do lots of crunches and go on some extreme diet either.

Just use the right combination I showed you above and you will be on your way to losing belly fat in no time!

Want to Reprint this Article on the Best Way to Lose Belly Fat?

Reprinting is welcome as long as the content, links, author bio, and resource box are all included and remain completely unchanged.

Tom Gifford is a Certified Personal Trainer by the American Council on Exercise. His website at offers a free 47 page ebook titled "How to Fire Up Your Metabolism and Lose Body Fat Permanently". Tom's free newsletter from The Fat Loss Zone is jam packed with tips and techniques guaranteed to get you on the fast track to having a slim and sexy physique.

Personally, I’ll be reading a lot more from this author. I think he has a really good grasp on the subject of belly fat cure. That’s my humble opinion, anyway. Thanks for dropping by.

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